Leather Ends Sale
kelliesbeadboutique.com | Leather Ends Sale
Our Price: $13.99

Quantity in Stock:1


We use a LOT of leather in our store for kits and videos plus all the leather you purchase from us! We buy only the best quality leather but even good quality leather comes with knots in it from the manufacturer. We are then left with lots of left over pieces that we never know what to do with so we've decided to sell them to you! We will give you 1 ounce of all different sizes and colors of leather. 1mm, 1.5mm and 2mm will all have at least 12 inches or more. 3mm and Flat Leather will be in lengths long enough for a bracelet. We will also include some lengths of our super popular VEGAN suede.

It's a super great deal where you can expect to save over 50% of the original price.

Bags are limited and will be stocked when more come available. Sold by the bag.

Each bag is different and will have a nice variety of lengths, colors and sizes.

Sorry, no exchanges or returns. All sales final.

Average Rating: Average Rating: 5 of 5 5 of 5 Total Reviews: 1 Write a review »

  2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 Leather Ends Sale October 30, 2022
Reviewer: Valerie Burdick from Sequim, WA  
Thanks you, thank you, thank you! What a great bargain with quality leather. I am always interested in trying different colors but usually stay in my comfort zone (neutrals) I bought one of these and was very pleased at the variety! I ordered another. Kellie, you are terrific!

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